Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Month of Thanks, Day 16

I am thankful for friends. I am thankful for the way God unfolds a friendship the way a rose unfolds, one petal at a time until it is in full bloom, beautiful and fragrant. I am thankful that God planned for us to live in community, not only with family but also with friends who laugh when we laugh, who grieve when we grieve, who encourage when we are down, who open their hearts and let us climb inside, loving us and caring for us.

I have been blessed to get to live in two countries, three states, and more cities than I care to count. (When I give you my address, just put it in the 'X' section because you will cross it out several times!:) Along with all of this moving has come the joy of friendships. Even when I knew I was moving away and tried not to make friends so that my heart would not be ripped out again, there was God setting someone in front of me who I could not avoid befriending! And, even with all of that heart ripping, I am always so thankful for the friends God has placed in my path. Some are friends for a season, some are sister-like friends, but all are precious to me.

Thank You, God, for my lovely friends!

I want to post pictures of my friends here. I am afraid I will forget someone! If I do, I am sorry! It is not because I have forgotten you, it is that I couldn't find a good picture to post or didn't go back far enough in the archives!

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