Life has been incredibly hectic. January was a complete blur, as were December, November, etc. Even with all of the busyness I still seem to have time to procrastinate. One of my biggest procrastination devices is the TV. I am able to come in, turn on the TV and then suddenly realize that I have not been doing the things I had planned to because I got distracted by the TV.
Actually, this is not a new revelation! For the past year I have been considering how to remedy the situation. Sheer will power does not work! Last year during Lent I gave up TV and videos/DVDs except on weekends-it is an English outlet! During that time I was much more productive and rested. But, after Easter I easily fell right back into the procrastination mode.
I have had thoughts for the past year of rearranging my apartment but it always seemed like too much work. And, I figured I could lick this problem without rearranging. Ha!
So, on Saturday I stopped procrastinating and just got it done. I moved my office into the living room-the warmest room in the place-and the living room into the office. This required taking all of my books off of the shelves, taking the shelves apart so that they would fit through the doors, and then putting the shelves back together and the books back on the shelves. Plus, resetting the clock on the VCR/DVD player! That had to be done immediately so that the Superbowl could be taped!:)
Now I am sitting in my 'new' office enjoying the soft lighting and blogging. I'd take a picture but I have laundry hanging all over the room-rainy days do not lend themselves to hanging laundry outside but I needed clean pants and inner clothing!
It has only been two days so I am not sure how this will work, but I am thinking that it should be at least one less thing in the procrastination list for now. When it gets warm and I don't need a heater then it may be a different story:) But, I believe that this is something that God has given me the strength to do-physically and spiritually-and that He has answered my prayers. He knew that I couldn't do it on my own so He waited until I was ready to admit that. When I admitted that I could not do it on my own and needed His help, He provided me with an afternoon and gave me permission to take a break from my paperwork.
Once I started the process it took way less time than I had expected, for which I am also grateful! I had visions of only getting half done and living with books on my kitchen table and floor for weeks. It was like Jesus was here helping me carry things, giving understanding about furniture arrangements and just enjoying the time with me.
I am so thankful for God's patience and persistence. He cares about even little things like TV watching and will help us to grow and learn if we stay open. I am quite certain that I have missed out on some sweet times of fellowship with Jesus because I sat in front of the TV instead of turning it off and reading His word or talking to Him. Forgiveness! I have confessed my weakness many times but have not truly repented-turned away. Patience! Yet, God keeps waiting for me. Persistence! He keeps reminding me of what He has taught me and that He wants to teach me more. Praise God for His kindness!