Monday, July 4, 2011

Ahhh, summer....vacation

Thanks to my cousin hosting a wedding in June, I got to take a trip to the US. I did not get to SD or TX, however, I did get to see friends and family from those places!

I spent the first few days in central Illinois with friends from Texas days, my Texas sister and her family! We had a great time making sushi with her Korean and other international friends, chatting, eating all of the foods I love, chatting, watching a little TV, chatting, shopping, and chatting.

Here are a few snapshots from the visit...

Come back for the next installment soon!


McMGrad89 said...

The blonde in red looks like R. Am I right??

Shan in Japan said...

If you mean R as a last name:) D.R.! I know you know who she is from FBC Cove.

McMGrad89 said...

You got it...thanks. It was nice seeing a familiar face in your post.