Friday, October 24, 2008

Time with the fam

Well, the days of my family's visit are flying by and I haven't posted about it for a while. Since we are running around all day and several people are sharing computers it is more difficult to have a chance to blog.

Mom has been working hard to remember the names of my friends. She has little notes written that she studies as we go from one place to another-being distracted by the sites outside the window as we go. Dad is amused by the names of cars. Paul wants to know all about things about which I haven't a clue-construction, cost of electricity, etc. Shonda is taking it all in and trying to remember the things I taught her on her last trip and over the years to share with her husband.

Yesterday was shopping in downtown Osaka while I went to a school board meeting. (Paul and Melissa Ewing tagged along to help be the tour guides in my absence.)

Dinner at the Hawaiian Hamburger place. (Have to take a break from the Japanese food sometimes:)

Mobleys in the cosmos

Wednesday was my Gospel song and English Bible study. Since Paul, my talented brother-in-law, is here I put him to work teaching us a song. At the end he also sang a couple of songs for us.

Tuesday night was sukiyaki dinner with the Ewings.

Monday was a trip to Tsu for a missionary prayer time with Pastor Steve Newman from our NAB church in Lodi, CA. Even though it was their first day in Japan, Paul and Shonda came and Paul & Paul led us in a time of worship.

I guess I have a couple of pics from before Shonda and Paul got here that I haven't shared either. Dad took a good series of pictures of some people harvesting rice near my old apartment in Kyoto. We went their last Friday to meet the pastors I had worked with and do a little sightseeing. I'll post the rice harvest another time. Here is our crab lunch, Pastor Aoki and his wife with Mom and Dad, Mom at the rock garden...

And one more of an English class. This group is an incredibly entertaining group. Even though they don't really speak much English, we all seem to be entertained by each other! (I do a lot of translating for Mom and Dad in this class:)


Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,
It looks like you're having so much fun! I am wondering tho, is Joy shrinking or was she standing in a hole at Hawaiian Hamburger?
Love ya, Daphne

schmann said...

so fun to see your family!

McMGrad89 said...

I am so happy that you got to have such an enjoyable time with your family. Gary is over in the Philippines until Christmas day. We will be happy to have that Christmas present.

McMGrad89 said...

Oh, yeah...Stop by my blog...I left you a blogging award. Come pick it up.