Sunday, June 14, 2009


A missionary acquaintance is also going on home assignment this summer and has a blog I read. Recently she had a post about what she was looking forward to doing in her home country, Australia, and what she will miss about Japan. As I run in the mornings and as I am packing up I have been thinking about this topic, too. So, here are a few things on my lists...

Things I am looking forward to in America:
*sharing at my supporting churches about what God is doing in Japan. Truly, I enjoy doing this!
*Mexican food!!!!!!
*being able to understand and be understood
*Mom's mashed potatoes and Dad's burgers on the grill
*fresh veggies from my sister's garden
*not paying $18 for a movie
*worshipping in my heart language

Things I will miss:
*church planting
*Gospel choir
*nashi, aka Asian pears
*unintentionally being the center of attention (okay, so maybe I won't miss the constant staring!:)
*summer so hot and humid you can't even move without breaking a sweat
*fall colors
*the challenge of understanding and being understood

These lists are just a quick, off the top of my head list. I will add more as I think of more things. Basically, people and food are the theme of what I am looking forward to and what I will miss!


Wendy said...

Glad my blog got you thinking!

McMGrad89 said...

I can understand how you would have mixed feelings about leaving, but I know people will be glad to see you. Will you be at FBC CC? I will try not to be absent this time. :-)

Julianne said...

The challenge of understanding and being understood. So well put and thought provoking Shan. I'm sure it is such an interesting swing on the spectrum of communication!

I can't wait to see you!

Tim and Susan said...

We always look forward to mexican food and worshiping in English too!!


Anonymous said...

Very interesting lists of miss won't miss. I miss you everyday but am pleased you are following Christ! Some day when I see Jesus, I'm going to ask why so far away to serve?
I miss the Asian Pears in Japan and the very friendly people. I don't miss the narrow streets. Dad