Sunday, December 23, 2007

Kongo Church Christmas Party

Today was the Kongo Bible Church Christmas Party. We rented a room at a building near the station called Cheer Hall so we called our party "Cheerful Christmas."
The afternoon was filled with fun and games and singing. Plus a kids' story and explanation of the true meaning of Christmas. Our Gospel choir sang, too. I don't have any pictures of that since I was singing and my camera was sitting on the front row by itself:) Hopefully, Paul got some good pictures and will be able to send me some soon.
After the party the Gospel choir had our year end party. We went to a restaurant between the church and Cheer Hall for more fun and food. I had a good time chatting with the people at my table and getting to know them better.
Even though it was a very long day, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Now I need to get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow's party at the Ewings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CHEER, what a great idea. Christ brings cheer and encouragement to all no matter our "mood" Sometimes we don't appreciate Christ with our living. Hope you all were able to find the way to live cheerfully everyday this coming 2008. Thanks to your choir for their music that can cheer the heart of any age. Will you be doing another concert in the spring?
Reading Mitchell's blog off of yours brought cheer to my heart.After you sleep some hope you can recount much cheer given and received. 'cheerfully'