Today was the Kongo Bible Church Christmas Party. We rented a room at a building near the station called Cheer Hall so we called our party "Cheerful Christmas."
The afternoon was filled with fun and games and singing. Plus a kids' story and explanation of the true meaning of Christmas. Our Gospel choir sang, too. I don't have any pictures of that since I was singing and my camera was sitting on the front row by itself:) Hopefully, Paul got some good pictures and will be able to send me some soon.
After the party the Gospel choir had our year end party. We went to a restaurant between the church and Cheer Hall for more fun and food. I had a good time chatting with the people at my table and getting to know them better.
Even though it was a very long day, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Now I need to get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow's party at the Ewings.